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Bugreport for 0.2.5 MP

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 5:16 pm
by DasEimer

- You can click on every single punishment (all 3 at ones). So you might think, all 3 will be activated. But only the one that you clicked first will be activated.
- It happened ones that the punishment (changing the creeps on the next wave) was acitated for both players.
- Most of the time i couldn't play Infinite Cemetery (old bug), so i don't know if you are now able to punish on this map properly.

- You can call the next wave early AND the next wave will come early for you and your opponent.
- You can call the angry mob BUT you only hear the sound of the angry mob (no other effects).
- On The Rift is a hill with a shrine on top of it. From some angles it's hard to send your heroes to the top of the hill (hitbox?).
- You can change the shrines (don't know if this is intended).

General stuff:

- All the probems related to connecting/disconnecting to a game are still there.
- Sometimes a game doesn't end.
- Sometimes you won't get a rune after you won and sometimes you get a rune after you lost.
- Often the levels of your heroes (ingame) are not shown correctly (for example hero xy is shown as level 3 without charging ones)
- Often the Heroes won't react. This might only happen because of the delay/lag and a high APM.

I am sorry for not writing down every single bug. I am shure there was more than this but i can't remember everything. So if someone else knows about some bugs, you can use this topic to collect them all.

Re: Bugreport for 0.2.5 MP

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 10:03 pm
by [HT]Kevin
Aweome bug list - thanks you!

The Connecting issue and game not ending issue should be fixed with 0.2.6, so should the Punishing on the Cemetary map.
We will look into the rest.