READ FIRST - Bug reporting Guide

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READ FIRST - Bug reporting Guide

Postby [HT]Kevin » Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:16 pm

Hello Player!

I wanna give you a quick, handy guide for reporting Bugs, so we can quickly get to them and fix them.

1. You found a bug -- congratulations!
2. Write it down - try to remember as good as possible how it happened and how you got to this point
3. If its a graphical issue - make a screenshot.
4. Check if the Bug is already posted - either here or in the Steam Community Hub.
5. If it isn't already known -- let us know and post it (One thread per Bug) ! Use the template below so we have all the info we need
6. Thank you so much for being an amazing tester!


Bug Report Template:

Title of the Bug (Think of some short descriptive Title)

Here be a description of the bug -- tell us what happened that you think shouldn't happen -- if you have any screen shots, attach them to the thread.

If you can reproduce the bug - awesome! Let us know the steps we have to take to see the bug ourselves - this helps us greatly in fixing it!

How severe do you think the bug is?
  • BLOCKER -- This bug prevents you from playing the game.
  • FEATURE BLOCK -- This bug prevents you from enyoing a specific part of the game (a Level, a character, etc.)
  • MAJOR -- A bug that shouldn't be in the release version.
  • Minor -- Some small issue that is bad, but doesn't happen often or does not have a lot of impact.

Files to attach
Getting the context of a bug is very important - so if you could attach the following files it would be very helpful:
  • Feedback.log - This is the Game log, that informs us of various errors that happened in the game. You can find it here:
    "WindowsFolder/Users/YourUsername/Appdata/LocalLow/Happy Tuesday/Haunted Island/Feedback.log" (You might have to enable hidden folders to see you AppData folder - Go to the "View" Tab and check "Hidden Items"
  • DxDiag.txt - This file contains hardware information about your PC - This might help us in understanding, where the bug comes from, especially for graphic/audio/performance bugs. To get this file enter "DxDiag" in your app search field and execute it - then use the "Save all Information Button at the Bottom.

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