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Easter Eggs and other stuff

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:33 am
by Carionis
Okay, some feedback on the Easter stuff:

1) - Gamespeed toggle feels now like 4x faster and not 2x. Can't verify since I only have the new patch. It seems a tad too fast at the moment.

2) I like that the "Mob counter" now goes beyond 3. Good thing.

3) Wave spawning seems inconsistent: Sometimes 3 or more waves can spawn when their timer is full, at other times I can call a wave "early" and it fills their timer but it doesn't spawn right away.

4) Survival/Endless: Chairlift is a decent level for it. Got to wave 70 on my first try with a coin-generating rune-package, as opposed to an actual survival based one. I probably still got more coins with the same runes on the old patch on a regular Wasteland level.
I might start a new game, just to see how much worse/better coin balance is now.
Second try I got to wave 189. It is kinda boring as of now. I found my self afk-ing and waiting a lot. A "boss rush" challenge would be a better and more interesting challenge. Or make it just 99 waves, but really getting exponentially harder and rewarding.

3) Easter event:
a) I like events, but event-achievements are a nightmare. I really don't like "having to play" a game during a specified time to get my 100% achievements. Even if I like the game a lot!
b) How are you supposed to get 50 alive bunnies if they get killed by my heroes so quickly? I really don't see how that is supposed to work. The egg-hunt achievement is kinda nice and fun, but the bunny achievement? Seems impossible to me. And talking about the bunnies - cute little bunnies attacking the enemies would be wayyyy better. :twisted: Think Monty Python.

Re: Easter Eggs and other stuff

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:15 pm
by [HT]Kevin
Thanks for the detailled Feedback!

Funny about the gamespeed - it didn't change.

We'll look into the Wave spawning, thanks for notifying us about it.

Superb feedback for the endless mode - it's a first test for us to see how well it works and what the things are we have to look out for. We'll try to implement your feedback into the next version for the next patch!

The 50 Bunnies work, but are quite hard - two hints for that:
* Having 5 Bunny Barrage Runes activated will give you a 100% Bunny chance, that means that every bunny killed will also spawn a Bunny.
* Some effects don't trigger the On Hit effects, like Damage over time effects.

Re: Easter Eggs and other stuff

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:32 am
by Carionis
Having put 2 bunny runes in the level 6 slot on Jane was my originial idea.

On the endless level: Jane easily levels up to 10, so way more bunny runes than necessary, BUT the Gatekeeper skill also kills bunnies without spawning them :o Gonna try once more later 8-)

Re: Easter Eggs and other stuff

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:19 pm
by [HT]Kevin
You can always just remove skillpoints from those skills ;)

Re: Easter Eggs and other stuff

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:11 pm
by Carionis
Yeah, that's kinda what I feared... Well. I'll give it one final try. Still don't like it ;)

EDIT: Finally done it. 50 is realllllllyyyyyy tough. 40 was easier than expected, but 50 was tough.