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Version 0.0.10

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:19 pm
by [HT]Benjamin
New Features
  • Added an option to toggle VSync in the options menu.
  • Villager houses now show how many villagers are still alive in them.
  • The topbar is now visible on the world map.
  • Consumables can no longer be bought for gold. You get a fixed amount per level instead.
  • You gain XP a lot faster in the beginning at the game.
  • You unlock the forge much earlier and get more runes in early levels.
  • Bosses drop a lot more gold than before.
  • Bank slots no longer have such a massive difference between the first and the last.
  • Some waves can drop gold on every creep now.
  • Balanced all levels on Medium difficulty.
  • Creeps can no longer have both the Fast and Speedup On Hit flavours.
  • Characters can no longer shoot at creeps while they are hiding in a tunnel on the Tower map.
Texts / Story
  • Fixed a lot of errors and weird wording in the German translation.
  • Added some missing Russian translations.
  • Shortened some Encyclopedia texts to make sure they fit on one page.
Graphical Improvements
  • Health bars are no longer rendered on top of UI elements.
  • Barrows' Aura is prettier now.
  • The camera moves much more smoothly now.
  • You can directly swap runes between weapon sockets in the forge.
  • Disabled the Achievements dev UI that appeared when pressing F9 because the store page is live now.
  • Fixed a bug where the game could freeze when losing focus.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the key bindings in the Options menu would add multiple actions to the same key.
  • It is no longer possible to select unsupported resolutions in the options menu.
  • Fixed a bug where the consumble UI would not be correctly initialized when restarting a level where you unlocked a new consumable.
  • Fixed a bug where heros could be placed on invalid positions in the Lumberjack map.
  • Fixed a bug where Jack's third weapon level would not grant a rune slot.
  • Fixed a bug where the main menu would not be correctly localized.
  • Fixed a bug where the camera might move to an invalid position while the game is not in focus.
  • Fixed a bug where creeps would flicker in the Tower map.
  • Fixed a bug where the middle mouse button would be treated as a left click.
  • Fixed the position of a shrine on the Mines map that was standing on the creep path.
  • Fixed a bug where the Escape menu would be rendered over the Credits, potentially causing a softlock.